About devils and darkness

Meet Mariceu Erthal García, a Mexican artist who uses documentary photography as a bridge to reflect and question the humanitarian issues that cross the Latin American territory. Her line of work mixes image and narrative writing to reflect on political, social and autobiographical themes in a process that arises from feeling the stories she photographs.

For Mezcal Verde, Erthal shows on her label how she sees the worldview of the indigenous and perceives their wisdom by admiring the environment and taking advantage of each part of its resources, all the information they take of their environment, they transform it into different forms of expression, such as clothing, music and special drinks.

The label tells the story of the community of the Doctor, Cadereyta, Querétaro, which every Easter receives the "devils", characters with masks of amorphous faces and animal spirits, who symbolize the burning of Judas, and in general personify the fight against evil over good. These fabric masks, on a clay mold, also contain hair made of ixtle, a fiber extracted mainly from the agave. The ixtle was obtained mainly by the natives belonging to the Aridoamerican regions, the vast majority of the indigenous people used the ixtle to weave clothes, fishing nets and yachts, etc.

The festival of the devils has one main purpose; burn the devil's ixtle. The masked characters seek to light the hair of their companions and go unnoticed and that way, put an end to the spiritual conflict by killing the devil.

“Little by little, a big number of devils and Jews began to emerge, coming out from the darkness and gloom. Already in the plaza, people eagerly await the power to burn their enormous ixtle hair in order to end sin, death and betrayal. Then, the big scream starts to raise up: "You burn, devil, you burn!”